Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Morning, continued...
Christmas Morning!!!
Here's our Christmas morning video: (please ignore my crazy voice, I have a sore throat)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Avalyn - Mary
Tucker - Joseph
Briley - Angel
Carson - Shepherd/Wiseman #1
Luke - Shepherd/Wiseman #2
Shallon - Shepherd/Wiseman #3
There was no need for an Inn Keeper, since the kids weren't really, so much acting out the Nativity, as they were just standing around looking cute in their costumes. And they were very cute as you can see! I'm sure as they get older there will be a lot less standing around looking cute and a lot more crazy interpretive acting (Severts' family home movies). And yes that is Avalyn's Piggy playing the part of Baby Jesus. Next year we will have 2 more additions* to the cast maybe one of them will be a better fit for that part. :)
*It has been brought to my attention, that when I mentioned "2 more additions" to the Severts' Family, I did not specify that I am
NOT PREGNANT. The 2 additions are via my 2 sister-in-laws, Lindsay and Natalie. :)
Activity Advent, day 24
day 24:
Open 1 Christmas Present

When I was a kid, my brother and I always got to open 1 present each on Christmas Eve. Greg's family had the same tradition. So we have decided to carry it over to our family.
It wasn't always jammies for Greg and I, but I think that it will be for our kids. They just look soo cute in their brand new jammies!
Open 1 Christmas Present
It wasn't always jammies for Greg and I, but I think that it will be for our kids. They just look soo cute in their brand new jammies!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Activity Advent, day 22
day 22:
Go with Daddy to Las Vegas Children's Museum

All the kids (minus Shallon) went with their dads (plus Granddad) to the Children's museum. They had lots of fun!!! And the kids did too!

Go with Daddy to Las Vegas Children's Museum
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Activity Advent, day 21
day 21:
Look at Christmas Lights

We all loaded up into the car to drive around Summerlin and look at Christmas lights. And we have decided that Las Vegas is pretty scroogy. Not very many houses had lights up or any visible Christmas decorations up. We did find one house that went all out, so of course it was our favorite. Both pictures are of that house. Yay, there is Christmas Spirit in Sin City!
Look at Christmas Lights
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Activity Advent, day 20
day 20:
Pick out Dollar Store Presents for Sisters.
So today we went to the dollar store and the girls got to pick out 1 present for each of their sisters. And the trip was a success, thanks to Aunt Natalie. Not only did she take the picture for this post, she also helped me separate the girls so they could secretly pick out the gifts. Then when both Avalyn and Briley decided that they had to use the restroom immediately and the restrooms were out-of-order and there was a super long check out line, Natalie offered to wait in line and pay for the gifts while the girls and I tried to find a nearby restroom. Thanks Natalie, you are a lifesaver! And you may be asking yourself, "Where was Greg during all of this?" Well, he and his brothers got tickets to the Las Vegas Bowl, enough said. You'll have to check back for the Christmas Day post to find out what the girls purchased.
Pick out Dollar Store Presents for Sisters.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Activity Advent, day 19
day 19:
Go to Grammy's House

Across the desert and over the mountain, to Grammy's house we go. I know, that was totally geeky, I'm sorry. So this is the beautiful sight that we arrived to tonight, Grammy's house all lit up for Christmas. These pictures don't even come close to doing it any justice, but I tried.
We are sooo excited to be at Grammy's house this year for Christmas. Mostly because we get to hang out with all of Greg's brothers and their wonderful wives and children. We can't wait to see everyone!
Go to Grammy's House
We are sooo excited to be at Grammy's house this year for Christmas. Mostly because we get to hang out with all of Greg's brothers and their wonderful wives and children. We can't wait to see everyone!
Polar Express
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Activity Advent, day 18
day 18:
Watch a Christmas Movie

"Santa Claus is Comin'-to-Town," was the chosen movie this year. The girls and I changed into our jammies, popped some popcorn and snuggled up on the couch together to enjoy this Christmas classic.

Shallon has been very affectionate lately. She loves to give "kisses," also known as headbutts. Here she is giving Briley a "kiss."
Watch a Christmas Movie

Shallon has been very affectionate lately. She loves to give "kisses," also known as headbutts. Here she is giving Briley a "kiss."
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Activity Advent, day 17
day 17:
Deliver Christmas Goodies
So we stuck to the advent calender and braved the snow tonight. We delivered our Christmas goodies and we made it home safely.
Deliver Christmas Goodies
The boys in the pictures are Nathan and Steele, 2 of the boys that I watch during the day. And the last picture is of our backyard, where the snow first started to stick. I tried to get a shot of the front of our house with snow on it (a once in a lifetime, kodak moment for our house), but it didn't work out. Oh well, maybe next time, haha!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Activity Advent, day 16
day 16:
Make Christmas Goodies

We made Snow Ball Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Turtles this year. The girls were actually helpful now that they are older. And they really had fun helping mommy make all the goodies. Maybe next year Shallon will be able to help, too.

Make Christmas Goodies
We made Snow Ball Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Turtles this year. The girls were actually helpful now that they are older. And they really had fun helping mommy make all the goodies. Maybe next year Shallon will be able to help, too.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Activity Advent, day 15
day 15:
Make Christmas Cards
I am such a slacker. This was actually earlier in the advent calender, but when it came up, I didn't feel like doing it, soo . . . yeah . . . here it is. And money's a little tight, as usual, so I'm not going to be sending it out, sorry. If you don't mind, just consider this your Christmas Card from us! Thanks, and I'll try better next year.
Actually, I could probably just update the pictures and put 2009 on it . . . . . umm, pretend you never saw this card. ;)
ps. I totally copied this design, but I can't remember where I saw it, so I can't give proper credit, sorry. All of the paper was from Shabby Princess.
Make Christmas Cards

Actually, I could probably just update the pictures and put 2009 on it . . . . . umm, pretend you never saw this card. ;)
ps. I totally copied this design, but I can't remember where I saw it, so I can't give proper credit, sorry. All of the paper was from Shabby Princess.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Activity Advent, day 14
day 14:
Hot Chocolate
Tonight we enjoyed some delicious Stephen's hot chocolate. Soo good! I tried to get the girls to let me put whip cream on theirs, but they resisted, so more for me. :) The girls also got to enjoy some ice cream with their hot chocolate, luckies!!!
Hot Chocolate
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